Issue #4

art + media

Edited by David Ng and Kriveena Chand

“Part Us”

by Ana Jovanovska

The visual approach to the problem of the individual-society, man-woman, human-nature-social norm is interpreted in layers, in parts, gradually removing redundant information in order to provide insight into the uniqueness of existence. As in various domains of life, sustainability is also marginalized within the creative.

Aged Out”

by MaryHope Lee

“Just Need Food”

by MaryHope Lee

I have been experimenting with collage since the early 1970s. I am self-taught and old school. I use found images and text, scissors, an exacto knife, ruler, glue, and sometimes I hand tear.

“Yaa Negrita”

by Asantewaa Boykin

Asantewaa Boykin is an Activist, Author-Poet, and ER Nurse. She is the daughter of Valerie and granddaughter of Bertha and Gladys. Her poetry and writings combine her intense love of words and resistance. Exploring topics like; space-travel, black-femme militancy & motherhood. Asantewaa is co-founder of The Anti Police-Terror Project an organization committed to the eradication of police terror. While her greatest honor is being the mother of her son Ajani, bonus daughter Aryana and granddaughter Lilith.

“Yaa Negrita" belongs to a series of original digital art that explores the complexities of black womanhood

“Continuing the work of our ancestors on behalf of our children is the highest calling one can have.”

- Asantewaa Boykin R.N MICN