“after leaving my husband”

Samn Stockwell

Artist Statement: I think if composition nudges towards the truth of something, it necessarily breaks down what came before.

I’m braided to my son. 

Everywhere he goes,

I borrow his eyes.


I’m a slow train

of accounts, where he 

surveys the past 

I severed for him.


I reconstitute mornings 

of sunlit breakfasts,

the breeze under crows

stamping on rooftops, and bowls

of peonies on the tablecloth.

Nothing in my past prepares

this present, the generosity

of an alternate world where we

are the treasure it requires.

Samn Stockwell.jpg

Samn Stockwell has published in Agni, Ploughshares, and The New Yorker, among others. Her two books, Theater of Animals and Recital, won the National Poetry Series (USA) and the Editor’s Prize at Elixir, respectively. Recent poems are in On the Seawall & Sugar House Review and are forthcoming in Plume and others. Recently, she won the Massachusetts Poetry Festival First Poem prize, was selected as the editor’s choice at Panoply, and was the editor’s choice for Brain Mill Press.

