Issue #3


Edited by Jacklyn Yee and Raaz Rashtian

Drawing My Bones

by Sheila Black

I am a disabled poet and writer and my work speaks about the somatic erasure and marginalization of disabled bodies. I am also interested in the intersectionality of disability with race and gender in terms of shared social circumstances and processes of oppression.

My Occluded Tongue

by Priscilla Jolly

This particular essay is about the politics of language and speech, in particular whose articulations and which articulations of a language get valued and why. I hope to interrogate the racist formations that are present in English as a language and which people from former colonies experience in their quest for mobility.

Massry Mad Libs

by Massoud Hayoun

Like all I do, this piece decentralizes the so-called West, the heteropatriarchy, and the social mores of the settler colony across your southern border, where I find myself by circumstance. Looking for the exit.


by Sarah Monsen Jayamaha

decomp is dedicated to dismantling in an effort to work towards social justice. My work is meant to dismantle the preconceived notions of what is and is not acceptable within women's healthcare to provide greater equality and care for all patients.