
Oisín Breen

Since my mind 

Is fused with yours, 

In this structure of sherds,

I can no longer sunder it,

Or my understanding,

From that which I perceive.

Thus, as ever, 

I turn to flux, 

As distinction exists 

Only in multiplicities 

Of touch.

So I sound out,

But I can not give myself a name,

And the bleak thorns thrum

Echoes in webs of sorrow-parched wind.


Irish poet, academic, and journalist, Oisín Breen’s widely reviewed debut, ‘Flowers, all sorts in blossom ...’ was released Mar., 2020. It will be followed in late Summer 2022, by a collection of shorter works, (4² by 5), published by Dreich, and a third collection, the experimental Lilies on the Deathbed of Étaín will be published by Beir Bua Press, January 2023.

Breen is published in 84 journals, including in About Place, Door is a Jar, Northern Gravy, North Dakota Quarterly, Books Ireland, the Seattle Star, La Piccioletta Barca, Reservoir Road, and Dreich. 

Email: oisin.p.a.breen@gmail.com

Twitter: @Breen


Facebook: oisin.breen