“Fata Morgana”

Glenn Shaheen

Artist Statement: When hiring Nobuhiko Obayashi to direct the 1977 horror film House, the production company, Toho, told Obayashi they were tired of losing money on narratively comprehensive films and wanted instead to lose money on something incomprehensible. It's one of the best movies you'll ever see.

The white southerners

so woke online

doing penance for some

horrible shit they said

in their youths to fit in or

not get punched but

we all landed on 

the third rail at least

a few times not that

any of us want to get into

forgiveness’s comfy

seats and snuggle real

broken human beings

the bones the bones

are honed and sharp


 Glenn Shaheen, the author of four books, was born and raised in Nova Scotia. He is the Executive Director of the Radius of Arab American Writers and teaches at Prairie View A&M University in Texas.

All handles are @glennshaheen