“Scientists Disprove the
Common Theory that Monarchs are Distasteful to Birds”

Nick Stanovick

The lepidopterist sacrificed butterflies  in the name of progress, trimming 

off the wings of live Monarchs and placing  their dismembered bodies onto a baking pan. 

What is an experiment anyway, other than  a vain spectacle of power? 

Yes, The major wing vein (the costa)  was severed so they could not fly

Yes, the lepidopterist knew the torment  of Prometheus, why the eagle tore into 

his liver each dawn and still,  every morning for two weeks, 

the lepidopterist watched   as birds emptied the pan of his offerings. 

There is evidence   the Monarch’s sensed their peril 

and successfully escaped the pan:    the last one to be eaten 

had been lying dead    on the patio for days. 

It remains unclear if by predator    the lepidopterist means 

the birds or the hand    that held the scissors. 

* Lines lifted from Bruce Petersen’s "Monarch butterflies are eaten by birds." 

Journal of Lepidopterist's Society 18 (1964): 165-169.

Nick Stanovick is a writer and educator living in Brooklyn. He is an alumnus of Temple University and Auburn University, an International Poetry Slam Champion, and the winner of the Robert Hughes Mount Jr. Prize. His poems have appeared in Spillway, Vinyl, The Academy of American Poets, Ghost City Review, and Drunk In a Midnight Choir among others. He is currently an MFA candidate at Queens College in New York City.

Twitter/Instagram: @n_stano