welcome to decomp.
decomp is a journal dedicated to dismantling and breaking down, the act of composition into its constituting parts.
[what we do]
We seek to bring complexity and messiness to the sanitized, hierarchical house of our institutions, making solidarity and community as we imagine new homes. We uplift art that reclaims, resists, and refuses, through an engaged editorial process that builds relationships of reciprocity, responsibility, and mutual respect.
We offer professional roles in editing, curation, writing, and managing, while cultivating an ethos of care, and working against the exploitative and extractive nature of institutions. Our editorial board consists of supporters and allies, while major creative decisions are made by students. By carving out decomp as a community space, we seek to make the editorial process one of ongoing transformation that is accountable and responsive to community needs.
We invite submissions of fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and art/media. Every issue will feature zines curated by a guest editor exploring pressing and contemporary themes and issues.